Artist Judy Bourke International artist book exchange

International Artist book exchange & collaboration #12 Biography 2013
Artist: Judy Bourke
From: NSW Australia
Title: Looking at Me, Auto-Biography 
Date: 2013
Leaves: Concertina book, double sided.
 Size: 15cm-11cm when closed, approximately 
Images:  mono-print, relief print, photo-polymer prints, intaglio print, line relief print & drawing. 
Housing: hard cover
Edition: 8/8
Photographer: Catherine Mc Cue Boes
3.0 number 12 Artist Books 2013
Artist book, mono printed on both sides, in yellow, green and blue. The sand melts into the blue/green of the Australian bush, topped by clear blue sky. On opening the book, a pop out portrait of a young child sits comfortable on the sand, a cut out shadow hints at the intensity of the summer sun, a stitched and drawn line takes us to another pop out of a sewing machine, in bold red, blue and yellow, indicating an interested in the making of things.  Whimsical images of children growing, playing in the summer sun sit on the reserve side of the book. Thongs, an Australian must have, adorns the back page of the book, while a pale blue enquiring mind covers the book, a truly beautiful book. 


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